Lobuche Peak is a stunning mountain located in the Khumbu region of Nepal. Standing tall at an impressive altitude of 6,119 meters (20,075 feet), Climbing Lobuche Peak is a popular destination for adventure seekers and mountain climbers from all over the world.

This Peak is considered one of the most challenging climbs in the region, providing a thrilling and unforgettable experience for those brave enough to attempt it.

If you’re planning to climb Lobuche Peak, it’s important to understand the level of preparation and training required to undertake such an adventure. With its remote location, high altitude, and challenging terrain, climbing Lobuche Peak is not a task to be taken lightly.

In this blog post, we will provide you with everything you need to know about climbing Lobuche Peak, from its location and brief overview to the importance of proper preparation and training.


Pre-Climb Preparation


Before embarking on the climb, it is crucial to undergo proper preparation to ensure a successful and safe climb. Here are the key areas that you need to focus on during your pre-climb preparation for Lobuche Peak:


Physical and Mental Fitness Requirements


You must be extremely physically and mentally fit to climb Lobuche Peak. You should engage in regular physical exercise that builds endurance, strength, and stamina.

Aerobic and strength training activities such as running, hiking, cycling, and weightlifting will help you prepare for the climb. Additionally, you need to be mentally prepared to face the challenges of the climb.


Technical Climbing Skills Required


To climb Lobuche Peak, you need to have prior experience in mountaineering and technical climbing skills such as rope handling, rappelling, and ice climbing. The terrain is steep and challenging, and you need to be able to navigate it safely.


Necessary Equipment and Gear


You will need specialized equipment and gear to undertake the climb. This includes high-altitude climbing boots, crampons, an ice axe, a harness, a helmet, ropes, carabiners, and a climbing pack. Additionally, you need warm clothing, sunglasses, sunscreen, and a first-aid kit.


Acclimatization Schedule


Acclimatization is a critical aspect of climbing Lobuche Peak, as it helps your body adjust to the high altitude and reduce the risk of altitude sickness. A typical acclimatization schedule involves ascending to a higher altitude and then descending to a lower altitude for rest.

This process should be repeated several times before attempting the climb to help your body acclimatize to the altitude.


Getting to Lobuche Peak


To reach Lobuche Peak, you need to first trek through the Khumbu region of Nepal. Here are the key things you need to know about getting to Lobuche Peak:


Trekking Routes to Reach Lobuche Peak


There are several trekking routes that lead to Lobuche Peak, but the most popular route is the classic Everest Base Camp trek. This trek will take you through stunning landscapes, ancient villages, and majestic mountains before reaching Lobuche Peak.

Other alternative routes include the Gokyo Lakes trek and the Three Passes trek, which also offer breathtaking views and challenging terrain.



The recommended starting point for the Lobuche Peak trek is Lukla, which can be reached by a scenic flight from Kathmandu. From Lukla, the trek will take you through Namche Bazaar, Tengboche, Dingboche, and Gorak Shep before reaching Lobuche Peak Base Camp.

The entire trek can take anywhere from 12 to 16 days, depending on your itinerary and acclimatization schedule.


Logistics of Arranging Transportation and Accommodation


Arranging transportation and accommodation for the Lobuche Peak trek can be done through a trekking agency or independently. Most trekking agencies offer all-inclusive packages that include transportation, accommodation, meals, permits, and a guide.

If you prefer to arrange things independently, you can book flights and accommodation online and purchase trekking permits in Kathmandu or at the Sagarmatha National Park entrance.


Climbing Routes and Difficulty Levels


There are two main climbing routes to Lobuche Peak: the East Face and the West Ridge. The East Face route is the more popular and challenging of the two, requiring technical climbing skills and experience.

The West Ridge route is less technical but still requires a high level of physical and mental fitness. Both routes offer stunning views and a unique climbing experience.


Lobuche East vs Lobuche West


Lobuche East and Lobuche West are two distinct peaks located in the Khumbu region of Nepal. While both peaks share the same base camp, they have different climbing routes and difficulty levels.


Technical Difficulty Levels of Each Route


The East Face route of Lobuche Peak is considered more technical and challenging than the West Ridge route of Lobuche Peak. The East Face route requires technical climbing skills and experience, including the ability to navigate steep ice and rock faces, and the use of fixed ropes and anchors.

The West Ridge route, on the other hand, is considered a less technical climb but still requires a high level of physical and mental fitness.


Comparison of Climbing Time for Each Route


The climbing time for each route also differs significantly. Climbing Lobuche East via the East Face route usually takes around 20 days, while climbing Lobuche West via the West Ridge route can take around 15 days. However, the actual climbing time can vary depending on weather conditions, acclimatization schedules, and other factors.


Factors that Affect Route Selection


Several factors can influence the selection of a climbing route, including:

  • Climbing experience and skill level: Those with less climbing experience and technical skills may prefer the West Ridge route, while more experienced climbers may opt for the East Face route.
  • Time and schedule: If time is a constraint, climbers may choose the shorter West Ridge route.
  • Physical and mental fitness: Climbers with a higher level of physical and mental fitness may be better suited for the more challenging East Face route.
  • Personal preference: Some climbers may have a personal preference for a particular route or may want to challenge themselves with the more technical climb.

Ultimately, the choice of which route to climb depends on the individual’s experience, fitness level, and personal goals.


Best Time to Climbing Lobuche Peak


Climbing Lobuche Peak requires favorable weather conditions and temperature, and therefore, the timing of the climb is critical. Some of the factors that climbers should consider when planning the best time to climb are:


Weather Patterns and Temperature Changes Throughout the Year


The dry spring months of March through May and the fall months of September through November are the ideal times to climb Lobuche Peak. During these seasons, the weather is stable, and the temperatures are mild, making it easier for climbers to ascend the peak.

However, temperatures can still drop significantly at higher elevations, so climbers need to be prepared for cold weather conditions.


Peak Climbing Seasons and Crowd Levels


The peak climbing seasons of spring and autumn are the busiest times on Lobuche Peak, and the trails and lodges can get crowded. Climbers should be prepared for longer wait times at popular campsites and for the limited availability of accommodations.

The summer monsoon season (June to August) brings heavy rains and unfavorable climbing conditions, and the winter season (December to February) brings extreme cold and snowfall.


Factors that Impact Climbing Conditions


Several factors can impact the climbing conditions, including:

  • Altitude sickness: Climbers should carefully manage their acclimatization schedule to avoid altitude sickness, which can become a serious threat to health.
  • Snow and ice conditions: Climbing conditions can be affected by snow and ice conditions, which can vary depending on the season.
  • Wind and precipitation: Wind and rain can impact climbing conditions and can make it difficult to ascend the peak.
  • Natural disasters: Climbing conditions can also be impacted by natural disasters, such as avalanches, earthquakes, and landslides.

In summary, climbers should plan to climb Lobuche Peak during the dry seasons of spring and autumn to ensure stable weather conditions and mild temperatures.


Climbing Permits and Regulations


To climb Lobuche Peak, climbers are required to obtain permits and comply with specific regulations. Some of the key considerations include:


Types of Permits Required for Climbing Lobuche Peak


Climbers must obtain two permits to climb Lobuche Peak: the Sagarmatha National Park entry permit and the Lobuche Peak climbing permit. The Sagarmatha National Park entry permit is required to enter the park, while the Lobuche Peak climbing permit is necessary to climb the peak.


Permit Fees and Application Procedures


The cost of the Lobuche Peak climbing permit varies depending on the season and the number of climbers. The permit fee is typically higher during peak climbing seasons of spring and autumn. Climbers can apply for the permit through the Nepal Mountaineering Association or through an authorized trekking agency. They must submit a completed application form, a copy of their passport, and a climbing itinerary.


Rules and Regulations to Follow While Climbing


Climbers must adhere to specific rules and regulations while climbing Lobuche Peak, including:

  • Hiring a licensed guide: Climbers must hire a licensed guide to climb the peak, and the guide must accompany them throughout the climb.
  • Respect the environment: Climbers must respect the environment and avoid littering, polluting, or damaging the natural surroundings.
  • Campsite regulations: Climbers must camp only in designated campsites and follow specific regulations regarding cooking, waste disposal, and hygiene.
  • Safety regulations: Climbers must follow safety regulations and wear appropriate gear, including helmets, harnesses, and crampons, and avoid taking unnecessary risks.
  • Cultural regulations: Climbers must respect the cultural traditions and practices of the local communities and avoid any behavior that could offend or disrespect them.

In summary, climbers must obtain two permits, pay the necessary fees, and follow specific rules and regulations to climb Lobuche Peak.


Climbing Process


Climbing Lobuche Peak requires climbers to follow specific routines and techniques to ensure a safe and successful ascent. Here are some important considerations:


Daily Climbing Routines and Schedules


Climbers typically follow a daily routine that involves climbing for several hours, resting and acclimatizing to the altitude, and camping overnight in designated campsites.

The climbing schedule varies depending on the chosen route and the weather conditions, and climbers must be flexible and prepared to adjust their itinerary as needed.


Techniques for Tackling Difficult Sections of the Climb


Technical knowledge and methods, such as those used in ice climbing, rock climbing, and glacier navigation, are necessary for ascending Lobuche Peak. Some of the challenging sections of the climb include steep icy slopes, narrow ridges, and crevassed glaciers.

Climbers must be proficient in using ice axes, crampons, ropes, and other climbing equipment, and work closely with their guide to tackle difficult sections of the climb safely.


Safety Protocols and Precautions to Follow


Climbing Lobuche Peak involves several risks, including altitude sickness, frostbite, and falls. To mitigate these risks, climbers must follow specific safety protocols and precautions, including:

  • Acclimatization: Climbers must follow a gradual acclimatization schedule to adjust to the high altitude and reduce the risk of altitude sickness.
  • Hydration and nutrition: Climbers must maintain proper hydration and nutrition levels to ensure adequate energy and stamina during the climb.
  • Teamwork and communication: Climbers must work closely with their guide and fellow climbers and maintain clear and constant communication to ensure everyone’s safety.
  • Equipment and gear: Climbers must ensure that their equipment and gear are in good condition and appropriate for the climb, and carry essential safety equipment, including first aid kits, oxygen cylinders, and communication devices.
  • Weather monitoring: Climbers must closely monitor the weather conditions and avoid climbing during unfavorable weather, such as storms or high winds.

In summary, climbing Lobuche Peak requires climbers to follow a daily routine, use specific techniques for tackling difficult sections of the climb, and follow strict safety protocols and precautions.


Accommodation Options


During the climb of Lobuche Peak, climbers have several accommodation options to choose from. Here are some important considerations:


Types of Accommodation Available During the Climb


The types of accommodation available during the climb of Lobuche Peak include teahouses, camping, and lodges. Teahouses are small guesthouses that offer basic accommodation, including shared rooms and communal bathrooms.

Camping involves setting up tents at designated campsites and carrying all the necessary camping gear, including tents, sleeping bags, and cooking equipment. Lodges are more comfortable accommodation options that offer private rooms, hot showers, and other amenities.


Comparison of Costs and Amenities


The costs and amenities of different accommodation options vary depending on the chosen route and the season. Teahouses are the most affordable option, with prices ranging from $5 to $20 per night, while camping and lodges can be more expensive, with prices ranging from $20 to $100 per night.

Lodges offer more amenities, including hot showers, electricity, and Wi-Fi, while teahouses and camping are more basic.


Tips for Choosing the Best Accommodation Option


When choosing the best accommodation option for the climb of Lobuche Peak, climbers should consider the following factors:

  • Budget: Consider the budget for the climb and choose an accommodation option that fits within the budget.
  • Comfort level: Consider the comfort level required during the climb and choose an accommodation option that meets those needs.
  • Location: Choose an accommodation option that is located conveniently along the chosen route and helps reduce the daily climbing time.
  • Availability: Book accommodation in advance, especially during peak climbing seasons, to ensure availability.
  • Safety: Ensure that the chosen accommodation option is safe and follows proper hygiene and sanitation practices.

In summary, climbers have several accommodation options to choose from during the climb of Lobuche Peak, including teahouses, camping, and lodges.


Food and Hydration


Maintaining proper nutrition and hydration is crucial during the climb of Lobuche Peak. Here are some important considerations:



Climbers should aim to consume a balanced diet that provides sufficient energy and nutrients required for climbing. The recommended diet includes a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Carbohydrates provide energy for the climb, proteins help repair and build muscles, and fats provide long-lasting energy.

Additionally, climbers should drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and prevent altitude sickness. The recommended fluid intake is around 3 to 4 liters per day.


Types of Food Available on the Trek


During the trek to Lobuche Peak, climbers can find a variety of food options at teahouses and lodges, including dal bhat (a traditional Nepali meal consisting of rice, lentil soup, and vegetables), pasta, pizza, soups, and sandwiches.

Some lodges also serve Western-style breakfasts, including pancakes, eggs, and toast. Climbers can also bring their own snacks, such as energy bars, nuts, and dried fruits.


Tips for Staying Healthy and Hydrated


To stay healthy and hydrated during the climb of Lobuche Peak, climbers should follow these tips:

  • Drink a lot of liquids, such as soup, tea, and water.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which can lead to dehydration and altitude sickness.
  • Consume a healthy diet that is balanced between carbs, proteins, and fats.
  • Consume small and frequent meals to maintain energy levels.
  • Wash hands frequently and practice proper hygiene to prevent illnesses.
  • Take rest breaks and avoid overexertion to prevent fatigue.
  • Carry a water filter or purification tablets to ensure safe drinking water.
  • Consult with a medical professional before taking any medication or supplements.

In summary, maintaining proper nutrition and hydration is crucial during the climb of Lobuche Peak.


Health and Safety


Climbing Lobuche Peak involves physical exertion and exposure to high altitudes, which can pose health risks for climbers. Here are some important considerations to keep in mind for a safe and healthy climb:


Common Health Issues Faced During the Climb


Altitude sickness is the most common health issue faced by climbers during the climb of Lobuche Peak. Altitude sickness signs and symptoms might include headaches, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, and shortness of breath. Other health issues that climbers may face include dehydration, hypothermia, frostbite, and sunburn.


Medical Facilities and Emergency Services Available


Medical facilities and emergency services are available in the nearby town of Namche Bazaar and at the Himalayan Rescue Association (HRA) aid post in Pheriche. The HRA provides medical treatment and advice to climbers and operates a 24-hour rescue service in case of emergencies.


Tips for Avoiding Altitude Sickness and Other Health Hazards


To avoid altitude sickness and other health hazards, climbers should follow these tips:

  • Gradually acclimatize to the altitude by ascending slowly and taking rest breaks.
  • Stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids.
  • Consume a healthy diet that is balanced between carbs, proteins, and fats.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which can lead to dehydration and altitude sickness.
  • Dress in layers to stay warm and protect against the cold and wind.
  • Wear sunscreen and sunglasses to protect against sunburn and snow blindness.
  • Consult with a medical professional before taking any medication or supplements.
  • Carry a first aid kit, and be familiar with its use.
  • Follow safety protocols and avoid taking unnecessary risks.

In summary, climbing Lobuche Peak involves health risks such as altitude sickness, dehydration, and exposure to the elements.


Cost of Climbing Lobuche Peak


Climbing Lobuche Peak involves several expenses, including permits, guides and porters, accommodation, food and drinks, equipment and gear, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses. Here’s a breakdown of the typical expenses involved in climbing Lobuche Peak:

  • Permits: Climbing permits for Lobuche Peak cost approximately USD 400-500 per person, depending on the season.
  • Guides and Porters: Hiring a guide and porter is recommended for climbers, as they provide essential support and assistance during the climb. The cost of hiring a guide and porter can vary depending on the company and services provided, but it is typically around USD 25-30 per day per person.
  • Accommodation and Food: Accommodation and food expenses can vary depending on the type of accommodation and the level of service. Basic tea houses and lodges cost around USD 10-15 per night per person, while more luxurious options can cost upwards of USD 50-60 per night. Meals typically cost around USD 10-15 per day per person.
  • Equipment and Gear: Climbers must have appropriate equipment and gear, including climbing boots, ice axes, crampons, helmets, harnesses, and ropes. The cost of equipment and gear can vary, but it typically costs around USD 500-1000 per person.
  • Transportation: Transportation costs include flights to and from Lukla, as well as ground transportation from Kathmandu to Lukla. Flights cost around USD 300-500 round trip per person, while ground transportation costs around USD 20-30 per person.


Tips for Budgeting and Saving on Expenses


  • Travel during the off-season: Climbing during the off-season, typically from December to February and from June to August, can save you money on permits, guides, and accommodation.
  • Travel in a group: Traveling in a group can help you save on costs by sharing expenses such as guides and porters.
  • Bring your own equipment: Bringing your own equipment and gear can save you money on rentals.
  • Negotiate prices: Negotiating prices with tea houses, lodges, and equipment rental shops can sometimes result in lower costs.
  • Avoid unnecessary expenses: Avoid unnecessary expenses such as luxury accommodations, excessive equipment, and extra meals to help keep costs down.


Training and Preparation


Climbing Lobuche Peak requires a significant level of physical and mental fitness, as well as technical climbing skills. Proper preparation and training are essential to ensure a safe and successful climb.


Physical training exercises and routines


To prepare for the physical demands of climbing Lobuche Peak, it is recommended to follow a fitness regimen that includes cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and endurance exercises. Running, hiking, cycling, and weightlifting can help build the necessary endurance and strength.


Technical training and practice climbs


Climbing Lobuche Peak requires technical skills like using crampons and ice axes, rope management, and basic climbing techniques. It is recommended to undergo technical training with a certified guide or attend a mountaineering course to gain these skills. Practice climbs on smaller peaks can also help build confidence and skills.


Mental preparation and mindset


Climbing Lobuche Peak can be mentally challenging, and a positive mindset is essential to overcome obstacles and maintain focus. Techniques like meditation, visualization, and positive self-talk can help build mental resilience and prepare for the mental challenges of the climb.


Hiring a Guide or Climbing Solo


Climbing Lobuche Peak can be done with or without the assistance of a guide. The following are some benefits and drawbacks of each choice:


Advantages of hiring a guide


  • Increased safety: A guide can provide crucial support and knowledge to ensure a safer climb.
  • Local expertise: Guides are familiar with the terrain, weather patterns, and the best routes to take.
  • Organized logistics: Guides can assist with arranging transportation, accommodation, and permits, making the climbing process smoother.


Disadvantages of hiring a guide


  • Additional cost: Hiring a guide can add to the total cost of the climb.
  • Loss of independence: Climbing with a guide means relying on someone else’s decisions and pace.


How to choose the right guide


  • Look for a certified and experienced guide who has climbed Lobuche Peak before.
  • Check their reviews and ask for references.
  • Communicate your goals and expectations clearly to ensure a good fit.


Pros and cons of climbing solo


Advantages of climbing solo


  • Increased independence: Climbing solo allows for complete autonomy and decision-making power.
  • Lower cost: Climbing solo can save on the cost of a guide.


Disadvantages of climbing solo



  • Increased risk: Climbing solo carries a higher level of risk, especially without the support and guidance of a guide.
  • Limited expertise: Solo climbers may not have the same level of technical skills and local knowledge as a guide.

Ultimately, the decision to hire a guide or climb solo depends on your personal goals, experience level, and risk tolerance. It is recommended to carefully consider the pros and cons of each option before making a decision.


Cultural and Historical Significance


Lobuche Peak holds significant cultural and historical importance to the region and mountaineering community.


Cultural Significance


The mountain is considered sacred to the Sherpa people who inhabit the surrounding region. The peak’s unique shape is said to resemble a yak’s head and its summit is believed to be the home of a goddess who protects the local community.

Before the climbing season, the Sherpas perform traditional ceremonies and rituals at the base of the mountain to ask for blessings and protection during the climb.


Historical Significance


Lobuche Peak’s technical difficulty level and challenging terrain have made it a popular destination for experienced mountaineers. The peak has played an important role in the history of mountaineering, with many legendary climbers testing their skills and pushing their limits on its slopes.

The mountain has seen several notable ascents, including the first ascent in 1984 by a British team led by Ang Phurba Sherpa. Today, Lobuche Peak continues to be a sought-after destination for climbers looking for a challenging and rewarding experience.


Responsible and sustainable tourism practices


One important aspect to consider while planning a climb to Lobuche Peak is responsible and sustainable tourism practices. The impact of tourism on the environment and local communities can be significant, and it is important to minimize negative effects and support conservation efforts.


Environmental Impact and Conservation


Climbing Lobuche Peak can have a significant environmental impact, such as erosion, littering, and damage to the fragile alpine ecosystem. It is important to be aware of these impacts and take steps to minimize them.


Conservation efforts in the region


Several conservation efforts are underway in the Everest region, including waste management programs, reforestation initiatives, and sustainable tourism practices. Supporting these efforts can help preserve the natural beauty and biodiversity of the region for future generations.


Tips for minimizing your environmental impact during the climb


Several ways to reduce your environmental impact during the climb include packing out all trash, using refillable water bottles instead of disposable plastic bottles, and choosing lodges and tour operators that prioritize sustainable practices.

By being responsible and mindful of the impact of your climbing activities, you can help ensure that the Everest region remains a beautiful and pristine destination for future generations.


Photography and Capturing Memories


When climbing Lobuche Peak, capturing memories of the journey is an important aspect of the experience. Here are some tips for capturing your climb:



  • Bring a camera with good image quality and a wide-angle lens to capture the stunning mountain scenery.
  • Set your camera to manual mode and adjust your settings according to the lighting conditions.
  • Consider bringing a tripod to stabilize your camera for longer exposure shots.


Tips for taking memorable photos and videos


  • Take photos and videos of the landscapes, the people, and the culture along the way.
  • Capture the small moments that make the climb special, such as a sunrise or a celebratory moment with your climbing group.
  • Try out various views and angles to produce one-of-a-kind photos.


Sharing your experience with others


  • Share your photos and videos on social media to inspire others to take on their own climbing adventures.
  • Write a blog or create a video to document your experience and share it with friends and family.
  • Consider creating a photo book or album to have a tangible reminder of your climb.


Post-Climb Recovery and Reflection


After successfully completing the climb, it is important to take some time to rest and recover before heading back home. Here are some aspects to consider during the post-climb recovery phase:



It is essential to allow the body to recover from the physical exertion of the climb. Rest, hydration, and proper nutrition are crucial to aid the body’s recovery process. It is also advisable to take some time to stretch and do light exercises to avoid muscle soreness and stiffness.


Reflection on the Climb and Personal Achievements


Climbing Lobuche Peak is an incredible accomplishment, and it is essential to reflect on the experience and the personal achievements made during the climb. This reflection can help you appreciate the journey and realize the progress made as a climber.


Future Aspirations and Climbing Goals


After climbing Lobuche Peak, many people feel inspired to tackle even more challenging climbs. It is a great time to reflect on future aspirations and set new climbing goals. This can help you stay motivated and continue to grow as a climber.




1. What is the best time to climb Lobuche Peak?


The best time to climb Lobuche Peak is usually in the spring (April-May) and autumn (October-November) seasons when the weather is clear and stable.


2. How difficult is the climb to Lobuche Peak?


Climbing Lobuche Peak is considered to be a moderately challenging climb, with some technical sections that require the use of climbing equipment and basic mountaineering skills


3. What kind of permits are required to climb Lobuche Peak?


Climbing Lobuche Peak requires a climbing permit from the Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) and a trekking permit from the Sagarmatha National Park.


4. Is it necessary to hire a guide for climbing Lobuche Peak?


While it is not mandatory to hire a guide for climbing Lobuche Peak, it is highly recommended, especially for inexperienced climbers, as it ensures safety and increases the chances of a successful summit.


5. What are the accommodation options available during the climb?


There are several accommodation options available during the climb, ranging from basic teahouses to luxury lodges. The choice of accommodation depends on personal preference, budget, and availability.




Climbing Lobuche Peak is a challenging but rewarding experience for mountaineers. In this article, we have covered various aspects of climbing Lobuche Peak, including pre-climb preparation, getting to the peak, climbing routes, the best time to climb, permits and regulations, the climbing process,

health and safety concerns, accommodation options, cost of climbing, training, and preparation, hiring a guide, cultural and historical significance, responsible and sustainable tourism practices, and photography.

Key points to remember include the need for physical and mental preparation, choosing the right climbing route, following safety protocols, and being aware of the cultural and environmental impact of climbing. It is essential to select a reliable guide or team and follow all rules and regulations set by the authorities.

Overall, climbing Lobuche Peak is a unique and exciting adventure that requires careful planning, preparation, and execution. With the right mindset and approach, it is an achievable goal that can provide a sense of personal accomplishment and unforgettable memories.

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