The answer to the question of whether a helicopter can ascend to the summit of Mount Everest is yes. Only once has it been done before. Didier DelSalle scaled Mount Everest in 2005, flying all the way to the summit and landing there.

He accomplished this accomplishment while aboard a Eurocopter AS350 Squirrel for 3 minutes, 50 seconds. He repeated the landing the next day, in considerably riskier conditions, to show that it wasn’t just pure luck.

Therefore, even though it is technically possible Didier DelSalle has done it. Helicopter pilots never need to or want to fly to the summit of Mount Everest unless they’re trying to break a record.

This is due to the fact that even though helicopters have previously flown below the peak to rescue climbers, ascending Mount Everest is extremely dangerous. The incapabilities of helicopters at very high altitudes are the only factors preventing them from ascending Mount Everest.


Some reason that helicopter to Mount Everest is not possible


Helicopter to Mount Everest is something that is next to impossible. In the history of mountain climbing it has only been done once. Here are some reasons why helicopter to Everest is not possible.


Low Air Pressure


While helicopters can manage the lower-density air found higher up in the stratosphere, airplanes cannot fly at great altitudes (as high as 40,000 feet). In actuality, a helicopter can only produce 1/3 of the lift since the air pressure at the summit of Mount Everest is only around 1/3 that of sea level.


Incapable Helicopters


When Didier DelSalle accomplished the incredible feat of ascending Mount Everest, he did so in one of the most potent helicopters in existence. Which unquestionably had the best high-altitude performance.

Additionally, to reduce the usual weight and improve the helicopter’s performance, 120 kg (265 lb) of unneeded components were removed from the helicopter. This added an hour to the fuel range of the helicopter.

There aren’t many helicopters available that are capable of the feat, especially without modifications, even if a pilot had the amazing skill to be able to fly and land at the summit of Mount Everest.


Less Room for Error


Helicopter pilots must continually perform calculations due to the variations in air pressure and temperature; if they are incorrect, the results could be fatal. These calculations involve determining how much power a helicopter truly has and how much power it needs for actions like takeoff, hovering, and landing. At lower altitudes, there may be some space for error, but at higher elevations, there is much less.


Can Helicopters do rescue missions in Everest


Climbers on Mount Everest can and have been saved by helicopters. Maurizio Folini performed the highest successful rescue on May 21, 2013, while flying a Eurocopter AS350 B3 at a height of 7,800 m (25,590 ft), which is a few thousand feet below the summit of the mountain. It isn’t always feasible to have calm winds and nice weather. But those conditions were necessary for the rescue mission to be successful.


How high can Helicopters go on Everest


Helicopters won’t land any higher than 21,000ft/6,400m, with the exception of Didier DelSalle. Who flew to the summit of Mount Everest. This is due to the fact that Camp 2 is located here. Where there is flat ground and dedicated helicopter landing places.


Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour


The most efficient method to see the breathtaking grandeur of Nepal’s Everest region is to take an Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour with Landing. The numerous Himalayan peaks, sizable glaciers, and traditional Sherpa settlements may all be seen on this helicopter tour. The Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour is a great way to observe Mount Everest and the surrounding area. This journey should last four to five hours, or all day.


Who is Didier DelSalle


Fighter and test pilot Didier Delsalle was born in Aix-en-Provence, France, on May 6, 1957. He was the first (and only) person to land a helicopter on the 8,848-meter (29,030-foot) summit of Mount Everest on May 14, 2005.

Which Helicopter was used to land on Everest for the first time


Eurocopter now (Airbus Helicopters) AS350 B3


To suggest that the creation of the Eurocopter (now Airbus Helicopters) AS350 B3 altered the helicopter industry in Nepal is not an exaggeration. The B3 swiftly became the most well-liked civil helicopter in Nepal because it was powerful enough to land and take off at previously unreachable altitudes in the Himalayas while maintaining the adaptability and affordability that have made the AS350 series a bestseller. In the present, its successor, the AS350 B3e, commands that market (now called the H125).


Journey of Didier DelSalle to the top of Everest


Delsalle and his crew of four mechanics and a ground engineer were prepared by April 2005. The helicopter was transported from France by cargo plane to New Delhi, India, where it was put back together before being transported to Nepal.

The hangar they were working in was almost completely damaged by a sandstorm, but they narrowly avoided disaster. Delsalle said that the helicopter’s lack of damage was a mere coincidence. We were quite fortunate not to have any injuries because it happened on the very first day we arrived.

Around the beginning of May, Delsalle and the aircraft arrived in Kathmandu, where he claimed his first task was to verify his clearances with Nepal’s civil aviation authorities. (This became a contentious issue after the event when Nepal at first disputed that Delsalle had obtained the necessary authorization for the flight and that he had even touched down on Everest.

Delsalle’s accomplishment was ultimately recognized by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale. Or FAI, and Eurocopter expressed remorse for the “misunderstanding” while standing by Delsalle.)

Delsalle had to walk a tightrope between Everest’s updrafts and downdrafts in order to reach the peak. It was especially important for him to establish a path that would allow him to fly gently. Without abrupt collective inputs, because the engine’s controlling system was operating outside of its certified flying envelope.

During his reconnaissance flights, he made multiple approaches to the peak but refrained from making a touchdown attempt “because I had sensed that it was not the right time, the right emotion,” he remembered. Of course, you have to feel quite at ease doing this kind of activity, and you actually have to let the mountain accept you.


On the Summit


Due to the 65-knot winds and lack of visual cues, Delsalle remembered that the landing was challenging. The updraft point is reached when you reach the summit, and as soon as you put the collective down. Moreover, the updraft winds have enough force to send you away, he explained.

“In order to stay on the summit, I had to push into the mountain and stick my skids there. Another significant issue is that, since you are at the highest point. You cannot see the peak and cannot utilize any special indicators to guide you. In actuality, you are in the open air, and your task is to locate the precise location of the summit.

In addition, Delsalle had his windows open to prevent the condensation of his breath on the windshield (a problem that had plagued Boulet in 1972). Since Delsalle dislikes flying in big flight suits, he was only wearing two pairs of thermal underwear. In addition to his flight suit. The outside temperature was -35 C. He chuckled, “But you know, in these circumstances, you forget the cold. “The cold is nothing to you since you are so heated within.”

The challenging thing was touching skids. Delsalle had no issues when it came time to leave the peak after 3 minutes and 50 seconds. More than double the FAI-required 2-minute skids-on-ground period. Delsalle discovered that the helicopter was lighter than he would have preferred in the windy conditions. After exerting so much effort to reduce the weight of the aircraft and even his personal weight through dieting. He said, “It was really simple to take off.” “I got to flying really effortlessly with just a little bit of collective pull,” the pilot said.




The recording technology worked this time. (In actuality, it was later discovered that the first trip’s seemingly missing records had actually been a software error. And the data from that flight was finally retrieved.)

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